What will 2014 bring the Jersey Shore?
This week we started sharing deals for the Summer of 2014. The biggest local brand to be represented in these deal and event announcements was Jenkinon’s Boardwalk. “Jenks” is promoting their Sea of Lights event at the aquarium and the sale of 2014 Summer Boardwalk Bounce Booklet. Growing up, our team spent a lot of time on this boardwalk and it was a feel good moment for us to see this longstanding shore destination embracing what we do.
As 2013 draws to a close, we will continue to improve on the JerseyShoreInMotion experience and bring you more local shops from the area. Our fan support has been fantastic we now share deals,news and events with approximately 10,000 people who work,live and play down the shore. We’re humbled and enjoy being a driver of the #shopLocal movement where we grew up. We also want to send a huge thank you to over 150 businesses from Monmouth, Ocean and Middlesex County who are sharing deals and events with us throughout the year.
There are some great new features coming soon so stay tuned, stay warm and #ShopLocal at the #JerseyShore.