Where To Buy a Fresh Christmas Tree in Monmouth & Ocean County
Where To Buy a Fresh Christmas Tree in Monmouth & Ocean County
by Jersey Shore InMotion contributor Matthew Gregory
Looking for the picture perfect centerpiece for Christmas morning? We’ve listed the best places in Monmouth and Ocean County to find that special Christmas tree to brighten the holidays. Whether you’re looking for a live tree and authentic pine tree smell, or a precut no mess no hassle tree, these local farms will have what you’re looking for.
Where To Buy a Fresh Christmas Tree in Monmouth County
1. Bullock Farms, Cream Ridge
With over 250 trees to choose from and a scenic country landscape Bullock Farms offers the complete Christmas tree shopping experience.
Price Range: $40-$120 (depending on height)
Days of Operation: Wed. – Sun. starting Nov. 28th
Hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Types of Trees: Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, Canaan Fir, Norway Spruce, Serbian Spruce, Blue Spruce
2. Anne Ellen Tree Farm and Shop, Manalapan
A holiday shop and tree farm combination the Anne Ellen property is designed to accommodate all your Christmas needs in one place.
Days of Operation: Mon. – Sun. starting Nov.16th
Hours: 930 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Types of Trees: White Pine, Norway Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir
3. Meadow View Farms, Farmingdale
A farm that prides itself on its “no chemical” treatment of trees, it has six acres with trees ranging from a modest 12 inches to a gigantic 30 feet all treated with the highest quality of care and attention.
Days of Operation: Sat. – Sun. starting Nov. 27th
Hours: 8 a.m – 4 p.m.
Types of Trees: White Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir, Eastern White Pine, Arborvitae, Norway Spruce
4. Patterson Greenhouses and Farm, Freehold
Christmas trees are just one of this farm’s many specialties as they have plant products for all the seasons and holidays. Check out the 10 acres of trees and if you can’t find what you like, email them and they can grow it specifically for you.
Days of Operation: Mon. – Sun. starting Nov. 28th
Hours: 830 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Mon.-Sat.) and 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Sun.)
Types of Trees: Norway Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir
5. Westhaven Farm, Allentown
A farm where family fun is a staple of the holiday season. Come enjoy hot chocolate and holiday music while choosing a tree to cut down and take home with you.
Days of Operation: Fri. – Sun. starting Nov. 28th
Hours: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Types of Trees: Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce
Where To Buy a Fresh Christmas Tree in Ocean County
1. Cicconi Farms, Jackson
Cicconi Farms is founded on hard work and a family-oriented environment. Founder Albert Cicconi Sr. began these traditions and continues to build upon them throughout the years. For example when he discovered better soil in Jackson, he showed the determination to move his farm to its current location. It’s this kind of care that makes this farm a great experience for everyone. Bring the kids to meet Santa Clause from 12-3pm on Dec. 7th and Dec. 15th while picking out the tree to complete your living room for the holidays.
For more information visit Cicconi Farms
2. Lone Silo Farms, New Egypt
Over 500 trees and 6 different species, this farm offers a variety of options for the family to choose from.
Days of Operation: Sat. – Sun. starting Nov. 28th
Hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Types of Trees: Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, Serbian Spruce, Concolor Fir, Canaan Fir, Douglas Fir
3. Yuletide Christmas Tree Farm, New Egypt
This farm won 1st place in the Spruce and Fir division in the 2010 Sussex county fair Christmas tree contest. A history of high quality shows this farm could be the place to find the right Christmas tree for you.
Days of Operation: Mon. – Sun. starting Nov. 24th
Hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Types of Trees: Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, Douglas Fir, White Pine
4. Picea Acres, Jackson
A helpful and friendly staff will help you search through their inventory of 200 trees to find what you’re looking for.
Days of Operation: Mon. – Sun. starting Nov. 24th
Hours: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.) 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Sat.-Sun.)
Types of Trees: Norway Spruce, White Spruce, White Pine, Douglas Fir
5. Holly Hill Nursery, Forked River
At Holly Hill you can browse through 400 trees until its too dark to see or until you eventually find the exact tree you want.
Days of Operation: Fri. – Sun. starting Nov. 23rd
Hours: 9 a.m. – Dark
Types of Trees: Douglas Fir, Blue Spruce
6. K & W Nursery, Manchester
Opens bright and early in the morning and doesn’t close until dark you can shop at this farm all day until you’re satisfied with your tree selection.
Days of Operation: Fri. – Sun. starting Nov. 28th
Hours: 8 a.m. – Dark
Types of Trees: Douglas Fir, Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce
Information links for Ocean county tree farms:
Information on Yuletide Christmas Tree Farm award: