You Know You’re a Jersey Driver When…
Being New Jerseyans, we’ve been labeled with lots of stereotypes, one of them being our abundance of highways and our aggressive driving habits. From Bayonne to Cape May, and Central Jersey and the Shore in between, there are a few things that Jersey drivers know to be true. Whether you’re driving fresh new wheels or have been flaunting the old-school blue license plate for a few decades, if you’re a true Jersey driver, you know to stick to these unspoken rules!
[broadstreet zone=”54949″]You know you’re a Jersey driver when…
1. You understand that a jughandle is not rocket science. You know you’ve witnessed an out of state driver stopped at a light on 35 trying to make a left. No matter how many times you honk, they just don’t get it. To make a left on a divided highway, you go right.
You know you’re a Jersey driver when…
2. You understand the concept of the left lane. It’s for passing, or for when you’re 10 minutes late for work and trying to make up for lost time! The 65mph left lane driver slows us all down.
3. You hate when waiting behind people don’t turn right on red. Unless it’s posted, please turn on red if you’re able to! Please. Thank you in advance.
4. When you can navigate a traffic circle with ease. They’re really not that difficult.
You know you’re a Jersey driver when…
5. “What exit?” jokes are never funny…
6. You can’t stand when people don’t pull over for emergency vehicles. Us Jersey drivers may take a lot of traffic laws more like suggestions, but that is one law that we will always follow!
7. Depending on the traffic, you can be either 30 minutes or 3 hours from Manhattan at any time.
You know you’re a Jersey driver when…
8. You understand that EZPass does not mean stop! How many times have you almost rear-ended someone who felt it was necessary to come to a complete stop in the EZPass lanes?
9. You accept the bird for what it is – a warm natured greeting to those disagreeing with your driving style. It’s just another day behind the wheel!
[broadstreet zone=”54949″]You know you’re a Jersey driver when…
10. You know to not pump your own gas! When it’s below freezing outside, and you don’t have to get out of the car to pump your own gas… You can’t help but be thankful to be a Jersey driver.
Is there anything that we missed? Let us know in the comments below.